
Get more lines virtual audio cable free
Get more lines virtual audio cable free

Windows Virtual Audio Cableįor Microsoft Windows users, we have tested Virtual Audio Cable which must be registered and costs $30 for non-commercial use. For USB connected rigs, you can simply use the USB audio devices provided by your rig. The following are only required for users who are connected to their rig via LAN/WiFi.

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We have tested configurations in both Windows and Linux but similar functionality can be achieved in MacOS using a tool called SoundFlower These are effectively loopback sound cards that the transmit and receive audio are sent via wfview and allow your digital mode software (WSJT-X, Fldigi etc) to connect to it. It is necessary to create “virtual audio” connections.

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To be able to use wfview with digital modes like FT8, PSK etc.

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